
Monday, 29 October 2012

Generate 5 volt Power Supply

There is NO 5volt battery in the market!
How to generate a 5volt power supply? Here is the answer!
We can use 8 pieces of 1.5volt battery and arrange in series connection to produce 12volt of power supply (8 x 1.5volt = 12volt). Source the 12volt to a voltage regulator circuit, this circuit will produce 5volt output voltage!
Let get started to do the circuit!
5volt voltage regulator

voltage regulator circuit schematic
First, prepare a voltage regulator 7805, 2 pieces 10 micro farad capacitor, and a breadboard.
Connect the component as shown in the circuit schematic above, make sure the polarity of the capacitor is connected correctly. 
Once the circuit has been completed, check the connection to make sure it is correct.
To test the output voltage, use a multimeter to check the voltage.

In addition, we can connect a LED at the output of the voltage regulator to indicate the output power of the voltage regulator circuit, when a 12volt supply source to the circuit.

connect the + sign to +5vdc.
 Finally the circuit is done!


Sunday, 28 October 2012

DIY InfraRed Sensor

Wonder how to get started? Is definitely simple!

Infrared(IR) sensor is a sensor used to detect absence and presence of object. Also Infrared sensor can be used for robot line tracking.  It is a very low cost sensor which can be done by ourselves. An Infrared sensor has a pair of infrared transmitter and receiver. Resistors are needed in order to do the Infrared sensor circuit.

Let's have a quick look on this video to understand what is IR sensor and how it works:
Infrared transmitter and receiver


LED 1 is the infrared transmitter, Q1 is the receiver

Let's get started! Take the first step to do the Infrared sensor circuit. 
  • First, you need to have soldering tools such as soldering gun and soldering lead. 
  • Then, place the resistors, infrared transmitter and receiver on a doughnut board.
  • Solder the components iron pin to fix them on the doughnut board, then solder the track to connect to another component by referring the schematic above.   
  • Complete the circuit as shown in the schematic above.
Here is the video to learn how to soldering. Enjoy it.

Congratulation! You have done the IR sensor!


Friday, 26 October 2012

Interesting Mini Robot

My First Autocar
Want to experience building a robot? Start with building a mini robot!
This autocar was built during my first year of university life. Basically it consist of circuit, dc motor, sensors and mechanical structure. Throughout the process of building this autocar, I had learn a lot of basic robotic stuff like circuit design, circuit soldering, mechanical design and fabrication, and also C programming skills.
I had successfully make my autocar function properly which it can perform line following to control it's movement automatically.
Om next post I will share the experience on how to make an autocar from scratch. 
Stay tuned.